A Summary of Basic UNIX Commands

In the following listing, the '$' represents the system prompt. The user types the text after the '$' then presses 'Enter' to have the computer carry out the command.

$ ls lists the files and folders in the working directory
$ ls -l lists the files and folders in the working directory, with additional information
$ cd a_dir changes the working directory to the directory adir in the present working directory
$ pwd returns the name of the working directory
$ cd .. changes the working directory to the directory one above it
$ pico a_fileallows you to edit a_file, creating it if it does not already exist
$ exit a_fileThis will end your agora session. Other systems may use something else, such as 'bye' or 'logout'.
$ rm a_fileremoves a_file
$ mkdir new_dircreates a new directory new_dir in the working directory
$ rmdir old_dirremoves the directory old_dir from the working directory
$ chmod 755 a_filesets permissions on a_file to allow you to read write and execute the file, and everyone else to read and execute it