




Week 1: course presentation, student evaluation, introduction to Processing

Jan. 3

Jan. 4


a rectangle

more shapes

overlap and opacity



Jan. 6

Introduction to variables (Ch. 2)

Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed.

one motif, with variables

variables pay off


lab1: Create a motif using variables that allow you to move and to resize the motif by changing a few variables. lab hints


Week 2: Simple animation, random numbers, mouse interactivity

Jan. 10



Jan. 11

Introduction to 'draw' and 'random' (Ch.3)

Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed.

moving rectangle

random numbers

lab2: Create an animation in which a rectangle appears to pop randomly around the screen while changing from red to blue. Alternatively, create an animation that interests you more and that demonstrates command of 'draw' and 'random'.




Jan. 13

Introduction to mouse interaction (Ch.4)

Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed.

mouse coordinates

previous mouse (x,y)


line draw

lab3: Create an animation in which a square tracks the mouse, growing gradually more translucent. When the mouse is clicked, the square color resets randomly and starts over at opaque.





Week 3

Jan. 17


MLK day observed, University closed.


Jan. 18

Missed Class




Jan. 20

 Conditionals and Booleans (Ch.5)

Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed.


bouncing ball, another if-example

basic if-else

traffic light, else if

boolean test bed

toggle, boolean example

lab4: Create an animation in which a circle moves at a fixed speed and bounces off the top, bottom, and sides.







Week 4 : More booleans, for-loops

Jan. 24

Jan. 25

More Conditionals and Booleans (Ch.5)

Basic for-loops (Ch6, beginning)

Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed.

basic for-loop

for experiments

for with draw

lab5: Create a static image of nested circles of alternating color. Hint: use a for-loop for the circles and a boolean variable to control the fill.




Jan. 27

Nested for-loops (Ch6, conclusion)

Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed.

basic nested for-loop

nested for-loop triangle

lab: Complete the lab from Tuesday.


Programming project: Program an animated game. The game should showcase the material so far.



Week 5: More for-loops, intro to image processing

 Jan. 31

 Feb. 1

More nested for-loops (Ch6, conclusion)

Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed.

shading with nested for

checkered triangles

centered triangle

lab6: Create a static image of line segments slanting down and left on the left of the screen, and down and right on the right of the screen.




Feb. 3


Week 6

Feb. 7


  Feb. 8

  Programming project due


Feb. 10

Midterm exam


Week 7: images, text, and arrays

Feb. 14


Feb. 15

Ch. 8 intro.

Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed. If you would like to use your own image in the exercises, bring a .jpg or a .bmp image.

park guell image

image intro

moving image

basic image manipulation

animated image manipulation

blur and fade to black

To run these programs, you must put a copy of an image file, such as the park guell image, in the folder with the program.


lab7: Make an animation in which your image gradually fades to white without blurring.


Feb. 17
Ch. 8 conclusion and displayed text

Prof. Leutenegger's notes on text : Look at the bottom of page 5 and page 6.


Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed. If you would like to use your own image in the exercises, bring a .jpg or a .bmp image.

get part of an image

animate image selection

basic text display

text extras

interactive text

To run these programs, you must put a copy of an image file, such as the park guell image, in the folder with the program, and load the fonts.


lab8: Make an animation in which, as the user moves the mouse over an image, the color of the point on the image is displayed in an circle following the mouse, and the r, g, and b values are displayed in the screen. (Hint: modify the animated image selection program.)



Week 8

Feb. 21

Feb. 22


Prof. Leutenegger's notes on arrays : Look at pages 1-5

Please bring your laptop to class with Processing installed.

array basics : This requires creation of the font ArialMT-24

arrays with 'draw'


lab9:  Animate a collection of 20 air hockey pucks that begin in random locations around the screen, going in one of 4 randomized directions: (vx, vy)= (4,4), (-4,4), (4,-4), or (-4,-4). You may use the following single puck animation to help you get started.

aid for lab 9





 Feb. 24

Ch. 9: functions

Please bring your laptop to class.

basic numeric function

drawing function

repeat elaborate motif

color function


lab10: Write a draw function that takes the x and y coordinates of the image as arguments. Use it in a draw block to animate several copies of the image.

(You don't have to make your images circle, but if you want to try, you can move an image in circles by positioning it at (x+r*cos(counter), y+r*sin(counter)) and incrementing counter very slowly, say .001 each draw cycle.)


Week 9

Feb. 28

Mar. 1

Ch. 9+: more functions

Please bring your laptop to class.

game organized with functions


lab10: continued, and game development time



 Mar. 3

Review and  course evaluations

Please bring your laptop to class.

review questions



game development time

Second project due at midnight

grading rubrik for the second project


Week 10

Mar. 7


 Mar. 8

Second exam



Mar. 11

Final exam: 12:00-1:50 pm