COMP 1671 , Fall 2005


Nov 2, 2005

  1. Create a function that generates random phrases that incorporate a string you pass in as input. Your funciton should have one string argument and return a string. The string returned should have the input word in the middle of a phrase. Assume the input word is a noun. For example, assume I called the function with the word "dog", your function could return "I like dog he is sweet" or "I don't like dog he stinks". Write code to test your function, i.e. call and and then print out the results using the trace function.
  2. Create A function that takes a MovieClip as input and moves it 5 pixels to the right and scales it up in size by 1%. Write code to test this function by creating a MovieClip object on the screen, and then in the onEnterFrame function calling yoru function to move/scale the object.